February 09, 2012

My First Bike

Adi's first birthday gift was a blue bike - the horn of which went "kajra re, kajra re" and "aashiq banaya aapne" in the most irritating sound possible!! We had actually "borrowed" this bike from his friend Rishi who was not using it at that time. When we get a gift for Adi, we normally keep it just outside his bedroom, so that it is the first thing he sees when he wakes up and walks out in the morning. And so, we had kept the bike in the usual place - and when Adi saw it for the first time, the look on his face was priceless!! He had this huge grin on this face for the next 30 minutes!! He was simply thrilled and wanted to try it out right then. I think I was sick on this day and lying in bed and so the cycle was brought next to me so that I could see the happiness and sheer delight on his face - and take a few pics as well ;)

Adi, like all boys, is totally fascinated by bikes and tells me all the time that when he starts earning money, the first thing he is going to buy is a bike and drive it superfast!! What is it with boys, bikes and speed, I say? 

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