August 09, 2011

Blue Umbrella

Adi's most favourite possession since Sunday has been the Blue Umbrella which we bought from a small shop at Malpe. He had seen the umbrella the day before and wanted it from the moment he set his eyes on it. Even though I tried my best tactics to dissuade him, he would not relent and with the condition that the Umbrella would be bought from his own money box (which was fiercely opposed by the kid!) off we went to buy the Umbrella. From the moment it came home, Adi and the Umbrella have been inseparable. We get onto the car, we walk around the garden, climb the stairs, get into the bus - all with the Umbrella open and its not even raining!! Soon as we get back to Bangalore, the Umbrella was given a tour of the apartment building and was showed off to the cook, the driver and the building security guy. And then towards evening, the moment that Adi was waiting for finally happened - it rained!! :) He was finally able to use the Umbrella and show it off to his friends :) The shower lasted just for a few minutes but then the garden hose pipe was lying just there and the temptation not to use it was very hard to resist for both Adi and his friend Shloka and the pictures below show what happened next :)

The kids had great fun!!! I guess it is moments like these that make childhood so much fun and so special and it's up to us to make it as special as we can for our children. This moment would never have happened had we (both Shloka's mom and I were watching) stopped the kids. For a fleeting moment, that they could catch a cold or a fever (since it was a cold day) did cross my mind but I just crossed my fingers, said 'what the heck' to myself and let them go on. I have often shouted, screamed and stopped Adi from doing some crazy things. Probably they were unsafe or I didn't have the patience. But I've come to realise that it's the small and crazy moments that makes kids the happiest and it's good to let go once in a while. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my kid having a good time :) Love you my Son!


Aparna said...

Adi sure had a blast !
What you said in the end really rings true for me in a big way Poornima - I keep worrying too much to let go most of the time, but very very very occasionally when I do, it's such a blast, and I always wish I could let the kids have their "slightly dangerous" fun more often :).

poornima said...

Yes Aparna, most of the times I have that conflict in me too, but then I think we all did it as kids. No one stopped us from doing anything and even if they did, we still went ahead and did it anyways. I have such fond memories of my childhood - I want Adi to have such memories too. So then I let just brace myself, and let him go. :)

Simran said...

This looks like so much fun :) ! I seriously need to learn to control myself from interfering. I feel sometimes I try to teach him at every instant... need to stop!