December 17, 2013


Yeah, we like to take a lot of selfies and here's the proof! All from this year :)

Just pretending to cry!

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Yeah!! I still carry this 8 year old boy around!!

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Pretending to bite my finger :)

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In the sunshine!

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More cuddles

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Waiting for the school bus

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We are like that only!

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And this one was taken just a week back but a professional camera guy

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Pics Through The Year

I like to take pictures on my iPhone - when I have nothing better to do :P So here are some pics taken through the year (all thanks to the recent copy of pictures from photo - laptop)

Hiding coz I am not wearing something!

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Wearing my batman nightsuit, I have grown out of it now though :(

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How I like to travel

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One of my favorite things!

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Lost to the world while watching telly :)

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With my sister Ridhi

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Ice candy effect

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Short term dream of being a cricketer

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Yenna Rascala!

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I love my spikes

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Mama making me pose!

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One more!

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And one more - to get the lighting right!

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Love the movies!

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My favorite food - sushi. The chef at Like That Only even showed me how to make it.

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Nothing is too heavy for me!

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Enjoying the rain

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Ice cream!!

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Another favorite - idly sambar!

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Which I ate in style!

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Who can say no to a doughnut??

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Trying Mama's camera

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The zoom works ok!

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I always sleep when my parents party!!

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December 16, 2013

Look What Mama Got!

Saw "mini orange" listed in my online grocery shop and I right away knew that kiddo would be excited and ordered for it. It only takes these small little things to take kiddo to a state of "Full happiness only"! :)

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Out of retirement

Both me and my camera!!! My camera has remained untouched for a while now and I just felt like taking a few pictures today as I was seeing Adi off to school...

Off to school..

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Ninja waiting for the school bus

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Monday blues!!

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Darling Windy who always accompanies us to the bus stop

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Shoes! Just like that!

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School logo

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